


The purpose of the additional (IEB) Grade 12 subject ‘Further Studies English’ (previously known as Advanced Programme English, or AP English) is to provide learners with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of English through exposure to challenging poetry, films and texts (novels and plays). This additional school subject enables students to cope with the challenging demands associated with university which will enable them to compete at an international level. It is guaranteed that students will benefit from this enrichment programme, giving them the competitive edge to excel academically, both at a secondary school and tertiary level. Please note that even though FS English is an IEB subject, DBE and CAIE students (and other curricula) are also able to register to write this exam in their Grade 12 year as it is a separate certificate.

You can now substitute FS English for another subject (excluding Maths, English or Afrikaans) to count as part of the APS score and improve your chance of qualifying to study at an international university!

In addition to increasing knowledge, skills, values and attitudes associated with English and literature, Chanelle Peverett has also expanded the content of the course to include philosophical discussion as an essential component to complement the literary components of prose, drama, film and poetry. This empowers students to critically analyse texts on a deeper level.

Students can register for FS English at the beginning of Grades 9, 10 or 11. Students should register as early as possible because they will benefit optimally from the course as the skills needed are well-cemented by the time they reach Grade 12. It is recommended that students register from Grade 9, but no later than the beginning of Grade 11.

The study of Further Studies English exposes, and teaches, students to engage with challenging poetry, texts and films which will enable them to respond to literature in its broadest context. It is a way of extending top English candidates and providing them with the opportunity to display greater knowledge and depth of insight than is required for English Home Language.’ (IEB Further Studies English Handbook)

No school-based assessment (portfolio) is required to qualify to write the IEB examination at the end of grade 12. However, all students are provided with two opportunities per year to write a formal exam and be assessed according to IEB standards. Grades 9, 10 and 11 learners have the option to write internal examinations in June and November. It is compulsory for Grade 12 learners to write the internal June and Preliminary examinations to prepare them sufficiently for the external IEB examination, written at the end of their Grade 12 year. These exams are sufficient preparation for the learners to tackle an examination of this magnitude.


Full year upfront

Per Semester
(2 payments)

Per Month
(9 payments)

Payment planFrequencyCost per payment
Full year upfrontOnce-off annual paymentR8,330.48
Per semester2 paymentsR4,628.04
Per month (starts March, ends November – 9 payments by debit order)*10 paymentsR925.61


You cannot begin to imagine the profound competitive advantage I’ve found having mastered the skill set that is uniquely presented in AP English – it’s unbelievable. I know many students going into engineering will, intuitively, think AP English shouldn’t be their area of focus – but AP English, NOT AP Maths, is the reason that I am getting distinctions for projects while my peers are not.

Caitlin Tallack
Grade 12, 2017
AP English